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Organization definition

Organization (Greek: ὄργανον, Organon - tool) is a group of people in a container for a common cause.

In the social sciences, organizations studied by researchers from various disciplines, especially sociology, economics, political science, psychology, and management. The study of the organization is often called the study of organizations (organizational studies), organizational behavior (organizational behavior), or analysis of the organization (organization analysis).

There are several theories and perspectives on the organization, there is a match with one another, and some are different.  organization is basically used as a place or a place where people come together, work together in a rational and systematic, planned, organized, guided and control, use of resources (money, materials, machines, methods, environment), means-parasarana, data, etc. are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals. According to experts there is some understanding of the organization as follows.

Stoner said that the organization is a pattern of relationships through which people under the direction of superiors to pursue common goals
James D. Mooney noted that the organization is a form of every human association for a common goal
Chester I. Bernard found that the organization is a system of cooperation activities carried out by two or more persons
Stephen P. Robbins stated that the organization is unity (entity) consciously coordinated social, with a relatively identifiable boundary, working on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or group of goals.
An organization can be formed because it is influenced by several aspects such as the unification of the vision, mission, and goals are the same as the embodiment of the existence of a group of people to the community.  well-regarded organization is the organization that can be recognized by the local community, because it provides such contributions; decision human resources in the community as members thus reduce unemployment People who are in an organization has an ongoing relationship.  A sense of connectedness, it does not mean a lifetime membership.  However, on the contrary, organizations face constant change in their membership, even though at the time they become a member, the people in the organization to participate in relative basis.

In organizing individuals can interact with all structures associated either directly or indirectly to the organizations they choose. In order to interact effectively each individual can participate in the organization. By participating individuals can know what things should be done.

Basically participation is defined as involvement of mental or thoughts and emotions or feelings in a situation that led the group to contribute to the group in an attempt to achieve a goal.

Active involvement in participation, not only mean mere physical involvement. Participation can be defined as mental involvement, thoughts, and emotions or feelings in a group setting are encouraged to contribute to the group in order to achieve goals and take responsibility for the business in question.

The elements
Keith Davis Menuruth there are three important elements of participation:

The first element, that participation or participation is really a mental engagement and feelings, rather than solely or merely bodily involvement.
The second element is the willingness to give something to contribute to the attainment of group goals. This means, that there is a sense of fun, volunteerism to help the group.
The third element is the element of responsibility. The element is a salient feature of the sense of being a member. It is recognized as members means there is a sense of "sense of belongingness".
Keith Davis also noted the types of participation, as follows:

Mind (psychological participation)
Power (physical partisipation)
Thought and effort
For a participation in the organization to be effective, requires absolute requirements ie.

Time. In order to participate can take time. Time is meant here is in understanding the message delivered by the leader. The message contains information about what and how and why it takes a role as well.
Where participation in these activities is necessary stimulus funds, should be limited as necessary so as not to give the impression of "spoiling", which will have a negative effect.
Subject participation should be relevant to or associated with the organization in which the individual concerned or some thing that was incorporated into perhatiannnya.
Participation must have the ability to participate, in the sense of the word in question has a wide scope of thought and experience with the communicator, and kalupun not exist, then the elements raised by the communicator.
Participation must have the ability to conduct mutual communication, for example, use the same language or equally understood, so as to create an effective exchange of ideas or work.
The parties concerned implement dlam free participation in accordance with the requirements specified.
When participation was held to determine the activity should be based on the freedom of the group, do not mean coercion or pressure that may cause tension or disturbance in the mind or soul of the parties concerned. It is based on the prisnsip that participation is persuasive.
Participation in the organization's emphasis on the division of powers or duties in carrying out its activities with the aim of improving the assigned tasks effectively in a structured and clear. Organizational forms

Political Organization
Social organization
Student organizations
Sports organizations
School organization
State organization